Chippenham Rotary Club

Solution-focused hypnotherapy plus

Provides all the specialist training you need to get the best results for your clients.


Training and workshops for

groups in industry

According to the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) 2018 Health & Safety at Work report: "Work-related stress, anxiety, or depression account for over half of all working days lost due to ill health". A St John's Ambulance survey found that 25 percent of employees have left a job due to mental health issues. ACAS reports that, on average, the cost to employers of replacing a single member of staff is more than £30,000. Analysis from Oxford Economics found that by far the greatest expense, more than £25,000, comes from loss of productivity caused by the time it takes (28 weeks on average) for a new recruit to get up to speed.

Is this the best way to spend your money? Or do you feel that you're wasting valuable time, effort, and talent?

We can provide training and workshops to help you to help your staff to manage their stress and mental health issues themselves with your support.

The "Dealing with stress" session looks at what's happening in a person's brain, and gives techniques to reduce your own stress and the stress of colleagues. And it looks at the effects of not dealing with stress succesfully.

Wiltshire Health and Care The "Successful management" session is aimed at managers to give them an insight into how they think and act, and to give them greater understanding of why their staff act the way they do.

We look at: the brain and the role of some of the major areas; influences on your life; your beliefs, behaviour, and motivation; and how to do thing differently (better) in future.

The session uses the latest information from neuroscience, positive psychology, NLP, and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

Wiltshire Health and Care

The main take-away from the session is a better understanding of how managers and staff think and how it affects performance.

The workshops last one hour and cost £75.00 plus expenses.

Please click here to contact us for more information.